To all Kennel owners:

You may be amongst those kennel owners, who saw the video and photos of my
daughter Jessica when Dr Berge Minassian was in the U.K. in April.
If that is so, you know that she is suffering from Lafora Disease, a fatal illness.
So far - I think - a strong will to live and meticulous care has kept her alive for 11 years
after she was first diagnosed. The lively child and young adolescent you saw has now
to be turned in bed, fed by gastro-intestinal tube (  .and how she used to lover her
food!!). She cannot talk ( .. and how she used to love talking!!). She communicates
with her very expressive eyes and those eyes are pleading for me to do something.
That something is research.
Why am I writing this to you? I am writing this to confirm what Dr Minasian must
have told you: you can help by giving a little blood from your affected dogs and
I want to thank those of you who have been willing to help.
All that is necessary is a small blood test - no discomfort to the dog. It will not
cost anything and no-one but we and yourselves will know about it.
Very few patients are affected by this disease, so we are very grateful for
the research Dr Minassian is doing.
Besides worrying about the lives of our children we are also worried that having
to watch our children 24 hours a day we will be worn down and there is no way
our children can live without our care. So time is an important factor, the sooner
Dr Minassian finds the erring gene, the sooner they can be treated.
So, can you help?
Thanking you in advance for your understanding of this very difficult situation.
Yours sincerely,
Vera Faludi, mother of Jessica (picture below).



Letter 2

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